Having Difficulty Logging In?
Are you having trouble logging in or need to reset your password?
If you need to reset your password:
You can reset your password on our site by clicking here and then entering in your email address for your account. Make sure this email address you used to sign up for WHDR, otherwise you won’t receive an email resetting your password. Once you have received the email to reset your password, please click the link in the email. You will then be directed to the page where you can change your password.
If you do not have access to your email, please reach out to us by clicking here.
If you are having trouble logging in:
Try clearing browser cookies should solve the issue. It’s a little different per browser, but we’ve linked instructions on how to do this for the most common browsers. Just takes a second, promise!
If you’re still running into a roadblock, please let us know by clicking here! Things like what browser you’re using, what web address you’re going to, name and email address are some extra helpful bits that will enable us to help solve your issue even quicker.