
Uniforms, What Are They For?

Why Uniforms Matter

Generally speaking, a uniform sets a standard of clothing for members of a company or an organization while participating as part of that group.

People who interact with those in the uniform (such as customers, clients, or even the general public) come to expect a common behavior or capability from those in that uniform. By dressing in a similar fashion uniforms also depict solidarity. Uniforms help people stand out, be recognized.

restaurant uniform ideas

These days wearing uniform is common with the paramilitary organizations like police etc and the armed forces. These help them, stand out of the crowd so that they can be easily recognizable and also distinguish them for the service they do. These uniforms not only make them feel proud but also have an imposing effect on others and with the presence of a person in uniform, can change the mood of people around.

When uniforms are made mandatory by organizations, people who are part of that organization often must follow the expected behavior that accompanies that uniform. Even organizations which don’t have a full dress code will have some common elements of dress, such as a shirt, hat or particular colors  to wear.

Why do many companies and organizations prefer uniforms, and make them a required part of  the company’s culture? Often it is because those certain industries (such as restaurants and hospitals) want their workforce to look united and of a single purpose, and the uniform pays a part is displaying that role and instilling confidence in customers. Wearing similar or the same clothes as your colleagues adds to a sense of equality and of belonging to the same cause, and builds unity and can add to espirit de corps.

In fact, the U.S. Navy only recently introduced a number of new policies that significantly change women’s uniforms to make them more closely resemble men’s uniforms.

The new female officer and chief petty officer “choker”
The new female officer and chief petty officer “choker” dress white jacket is expected in exchange stores in January 2017.

On the personal side, uniforms provide advantages for the employees as well, including the time and energy saved in choosing what to wear, and a cost savings over having to wear out and purchase new everyday clothes. This can be an enormous relief to those who would never be comfortable repeating their own personal outfits too frequently.

Wearing a uniform will not make people appreciate your contribution more, but neither does it diminish the value of your work. Initial impressions are just that, initial. It’s the work and the results that create the individual reputation, but it is the collective reputation that organization’s strive for, and uniforms help everyone deliver that.


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